Суспільне Культура HD

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Today Sunday
16:50 Live

Д/ф "Гулаг. Історія", 1-3 с.

Today Sunday
Tomorrow Monday
03:10 REC

Ідемо в музей. Національний музей українського народного декоративного мистецтва.

03:35 REC

Лекторій. Музика.

04:05 REC

Лекторій. Поезія.

04:30 REC

Лекторій. Література.

04:55 REC

Лекторій. Театр.

05:25 REC

Спецпроект "Спадок".

06:00 REC

Гімн України.

06:05 REC


07:35 REC


08:30 REC

Відтінки України.

09:00 REC

Хвилина мовчання.

09:01 REC

Божественна Літургія ПЦУ.

11:00 REC

Недільна Літургія УГКЦ, 1 ч.

12:00 REC

Хвилина мовчання. День пам'яті жертв політичних репресій.

12:01 REC

Недільна Літургія УГКЦ, 2 ч.

12:30 REC

Недільна Свята Меса РКЦУ.

13:30 REC

Д/с "Велика російська брехня", 6 с. "Спорт".

14:35 REC

Д/ф "Крим. Звільнення".

15:40 REC

Д/ф "Ваш Василь".

16:50 Live

Д/ф "Гулаг. Історія", 1-3 с.


Х/ф "Заборонений".


Культурний інстинкт. Олена Гусейнова.


Д/ф "Будинок "Слово".


Х/ф "Три кольори: Синій".


Спецпроект "На вістрі ножа".


Ідемо в музей. Музей Марії Заньковецької.


Ідемо в музей. Національний музей історії України.


Лекторій. Література.


Лекторій. Кіно.


Лекторій. Література.


Лекторій. Театр.


Спецпроект "Мій прапор".


Гімн України.




Д/с "Візуальний код".


Хвилина мовчання.


Гімн України.


Культура на часі.


Д/ф "Голодомор. Літописці", 1 с.


Д/с "Століття на плівці", 1 с.


Ідемо в музей. Музей театрального, музичного та кіномистецтва України.


Країна пісень.


Твоя музика. Ольга Сумська та Віталій Борисюк. Концерт.


Твоя музика. Андрій Заліско. Концерт.


Д/ф "Узбережжя Африки". "Затока Альгоа: останній прихисток африканських пінгвінів".


Т/с "Хадсон і Рекс", 61 с.


Т/с "Еліза", 10 і 11 с.


Т/с "Таємниці", 17 і 18 с.


Д/с "Розповіді із Замбії". "Долина слонів".


Д/с "Століття на плівці", 2 с.


Т/с "Земля вовків", 1 сезон, 4 с.

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Суспільне Культура HD

UA:Culture is a nationwide television channel that broadcasts 24 hours every day (seven days a week). The main objective of the channel is to introduce viewers to Ukrainian culture in all its aspects and manifestations. If you want to learn more about the cultural life in your country, to touch the centuries-old traditions of Ukrainians and enjoy the performances of national groups (dances, choir, music, performers), then you will definitely like UA: Online Culture. The state television and radio company «Culture» was established in 2002 and two years later received a license for round-the-clock broadcasting.

Channel UA:Culture: Main Audience

Thanks to a wide variety of programs, this TV channel is universal. It is joyfully watched by men and women of different age groups, as well as children. Broadcasting is conducted only in Ukrainian. 50% of all airtime is occupied by programs of own production, which are especially popular with viewers. Since 2006 it has been broadcasting in more than 80 countries of the world. This allowed to significantly expand the audience by adding Ukrainians who live abroad. The company also offers radio broadcasts.

Channel UA:Culture online: what content is broadcast?

The channel’s live broadcast includes many different programs: cultural and life news of famous people / cultural figures, documentaries, broadcasts of famous theater productions and classical music concerts. Also in the television program you can find a variety of programs about music, literature, theater, cinema, painting and other areas of the cultural life of our compatriots.

UA:Culture: Popular Programs and Programs

This Ukrainian national channel is distinguished by the variety of its projects that will appeal to a wide audience. The most popular UA shows: Culture are:

  • «Lecture. The music» program used to be called «MuzLove with Any Morozova», released every week, the main theme is «music and war»;
  • «Lecture. The poetry was previously called the «Poetry Hour», is published every week and tells about the life of poets of Ukraine;
  • «Lecture. Literature used to be called «#BіblіoFUN with Rostislav Semkіvim», published weekly, shows the life of the most scandalous writers, conducts reviews of their books;
  • «Lecture. Kino used to be called «#KinoWALL with Sergiy Trimbach», a series of programs that are released every week here tell about foreign films that have been released over the past 30 years, as well as their impact on people's lives;
  • «How watch cinema by the author of the program is a well-known film expert, editor-in-chief of the Internet service «Moviegram» Lukyan Galkin;
  • «Culture of dialogue every day on weekdays there are interviews with public and cultural figures;
  • «Museum. Yak tse pratsyu Olya Nosko offers to virtually visit the most famous museums of the capital of Ukraine;
  • «Vіdkrivay Ukraine z Suspіlnim secondary and high school students can study the history of their country in a game format, as well as offer ideas for improving life in small towns and villages.

How to channel UA:Culture watch online on Sweet.TV?

Many today cannot enjoy their favorite series and films, as they work until late. But Sweet.TV service solves this problem once and for all. Here you can watch UA: Culture Online, as well as other popular TV channels. Watch on any device, wherever you are, in high HD quality. Registration is quick and requires only a phone number. And the main advantage: you can register one profile on five separate devices.