Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Військовий хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Час кохати.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Час кохати.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Collection M1.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Військовий хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Час кохати.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Військовий хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Час кохати.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Час кохати.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Collection M1.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Військовий хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Перший український хіт-парад.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Час кохати.
Хіти Non-Stop M2.
Watch «M2 HD» 7 days for free
M2 HD is a Ukrainian channel broadcasting music videos, entertainment and shows. There is a place for both modern performers and music of past years, which does not lose popularity. This channel is designed for an audience of 16 to 50 years old, preferring modern popular music. In 2019, M2 HD took 32nd place in the ranking of popular Ukrainian TV channels.
Features of the M2 HD channel
M2 HD online began working in test mode in 2007. At first, he broadcast music mainly from previous years, but in 2012 the content and focus of the channel changed dramatically. Currently, M2 HD online supports all music trends, it can be watched by residents not only of Ukraine, but also of European countries and neighboring countries.
More than 60% of the broadcast music — of domestic artists. For all the time the television channel has had two logos, the second is used from 2016 to today and is a geometric figure with the number 2 in the center.
In addition to modern music videos, there are many interesting and fascinating programs on the TV platform, including:
- The first Ukrainian hit parade;
- The main hit parade;
- Fresh;
- News;
- Golden Firebird.
The first Ukrainian hit parade is a rating of the best songs of the week, which are determined by the audience. Presenters introduce the most popular music products, distributed according to the audience’s sympathies.
The main hit parade includes songs of not only domestic, but also foreign performers. The Fresh program introduces viewers to the latest in the music world, claiming popularity. M2 HD broadcasts online clips that have just been presented and first aired live.
News will tell what is happening in the world of domestic and foreign music. Here are announcements of upcoming events, presentations and the history of popular stars. This is an informative, informative program prepared by journalists.
Golden Firebird is a national music award created by M2 HD. The program introduces the results of weekly ratings and at the end of the year holds a special event — award ceremony for the best performers.
How to watch M2 HD channel in high quality?
Sweet.tv’s state-of-the-art interactive television provides many options for demanding audiences. With it, you can enjoy your favorite shows, even away from home, while on the road or abroad. All you need is access to the Internet. It’s also convenient to watch programs at home on different devices at home so that you no longer argue with family members and turn on your favorite TV channel.
You can pre-test the operation of Sweet.tv for free, evaluate the possibilities and continue to enjoy the benefits at the lowest prices. Keep up to date and connect progressive TV.