Discovery Channel HD

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Реставраторы, 5 сезон, 6 эп.


Золотая лихорадка: бурные воды, 7 сезон, 9 эп.


Соединенные Штаты Золота, 3 эп.


Охотники за старьем, 12 сезон, 11 эп.


Охотники за старьем, 12 сезон, 12 эп.


Как это устроено?, 6 сезон, 7 эп. Классические луки / Кофейные аппараты / Фигурки-талисманы / Гамаки.


Как это устроено?, 6 сезон, 8 эп. Изоляция из стекловолокна / Утки из дерева / Автоматы с жвачкой / Глушители.


Как это устроено?, 6 сезон, 9 эп. Цепи / Каноэ из кедра / Виниловые пластинки / Бублики.


Как это устроено?, 6 сезон, 10 эп. Лобовые стекла / Английское седло / Масло / Электрогитара.


Махинаторы, 18 сезон, 7 эп. Volvo 240 Torslanda.


Махинаторы, 18 сезон, 8 эп. Ford Focus ST.


Спасатели имущества, 2 сезон, 3 эп. Спасение в Колумбусе.


Спасатели имущества, 2 сезон, 4 эп. Гостиница на холме.


Спасатели имущества, 2 сезон, 5 эп. Причал на озере.


Спасатели имущества, 2 сезон, 6 эп. Спасение имущества в Норфолке.


Охотники за старьем, 12 сезон, 12 эп.


Охотники за старьем, 12 сезон, 13 эп.


Реставраторы, 5 сезон, 5 эп.


Реставраторы, 5 сезон, 6 эп.


Соединенные Штаты Золота, 3 эп.


Охотники за старьем, 18 сезон, 8 эп. Сделанные на века.


Реставраторы, 1 сезон, 1 эп.


Воскрешение автомобилей, 2 сезон, 11 эп. Возвращение Исчезающей краски.


Экспедиция в ад: Утерянные записи, 2 эп.


Искатели опалов, 7 сезон, 6 эп. В трясине.


Самые нашумевшие преступления, 1 сезон, 19 эп. Мужчины без тормозов.


Самые нашумевшие преступления, 1 сезон, 20 эп. Пьяные водители.


Пойманы!, 9 эп.


Пойманы!, 10 эп.


Пограничный контроль Италии, 1 сезон, 7 эп.


Голые и напуганные, 8 сезон, 10 эп. Битва полов.

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Discovery Channel HD

Discovery Channel HD is one of the most interesting science and technology channels. Scientific content is presented in a simple, accessible and interesting language in combination with a high-quality picture. Therefore, fans of the channel are viewers from 12 years old and older generation. How history developed, how megacities were built, how to survive in difficult conditions and conquer natural elements all this on the Discovery Channel HD channel.

Discovery Channel HD Features

During its existence, the Discovery Channel HD has won the love of viewers of different ages from around the planet. The directors managed to create an amazing format in which the complex becomes simple. Some of the most popular programs:

  • How does it work ?;
  • Junk hunters;
  • River of Oblivion;
  • Gold Rush;
  • Forgotten and buried.

Each transmission of Discovery Channel HD is a storehouse of interesting knowledge that you certainly won’t find in school or ordinary textbooks. The channel presents the latest experiments and research in various industries, informative and documentary films about great inventions and their creators.

Also, the programs are aimed at studying natural and technical processes, nature and wildlife. All this in a continuous broadcast format is on Discovery Channel HD online. The highlight of the TV channel is broadcasting in HD quality. Colorful colors, accurate picture combined with surround sound give you true viewing pleasure.

Even children will enjoy exploring the world with Discovery Channel HD online. There are no abstruse terms and incomprehensible formulas. All information is adapted for the viewer and is presented in an accessible format. We promise that this channel will be loved by all family members.

How to watch Discovery Channel HD online?

Scientific progress does not stand still. Every year, Discovery Channel HD online expands the network of television shows and does not cease to amaze viewers. Previously, broadcasting was only available via satellite, but today it’s not necessary to buy an expensive and bulky dish to watch TV shows. app broadcasts over 200 TV channels online and provides access to movies in HD quality. Now all entertainment and information channels are available on phones, tablets and smart TVs in Russian.

Discovery Channel HD can be watched online by registering on our website. We provide a trial period from 7 days to 1 month of free access to channels and films to evaluate the benefits of interactive television. You are not attached to the house and can enjoy the live broadcast of your favorite channels on the road and on vacation, share access with family and friends.

Choose quality, ad-free content on Live-broadcasting allows you to rewind and pause the video, as well as view it in the recording. You will be satisfied with the quality of broadcasting, because this is a new level of image and full sound. The application works on TVs that support smart mode, or on a smart set-top box.