Watch «Oce HD» 7 days for free

28 Channels in high quality
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Today Friday
22:30 Live

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.

17.05 Friday
18.05 Saturday
19.05 Sunday
22.05 Wednesday
Yesterday Thursday
Today Friday
Tomorrow Saturday
03:00 REC

Т/с "Леся+Рома".

08:35 REC

Т/с "Смерть у раю".

18:00 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі".

23:00 REC

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.

03:05 REC

Прокинься з Ектором.

10:05 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі", 4 сезон, 12-25 с.

21:55 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі", 5 сезон, 1 с.

22:50 REC

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.

03:35 REC

Прокинься з Ектором.

09:55 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі", 5 сезон, 2-8 с.

15:50 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі", 5 сезон, 9-16 с.

22:25 REC

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.

08:00 REC


08:30 REC

Т/с "Леся+Рома".

09:30 REC

Таємний агент.

09:45 REC


10:15 REC

Таємний агент.

18:00 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі".

23:00 REC

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.

03:10 REC

Т/с "Леся+Рома".

08:00 REC


08:30 REC

Т/с "Леся+Рома".

09:35 REC

Аферисти в сітях.

09:45 REC


10:15 REC

Аферисти в сітях.

18:00 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі".

23:00 REC

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.

03:00 REC

Т/с "Леся+Рома".

09:40 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі".

16:05 REC

Т/с "CSI: Маямі".

22:30 Live

Слідство ведуть екстрасенси.


Т/с "Леся+Рома".


Т/с "CSI: Маямі".



Watch «Oce HD» 7 days for free

28 Channels in high quality
HD/4K Image quality
SMART Watch on all devices

Oce HD

THIS TV is the boldest channel in Ukrainian television. THIS TV is not afraid to repeat. We make them TV art! Have you repeatedly watched the third season of The Bachelor or the first season of The Auditor? Don't worry! We make you want to enjoy your date with Heraclius Macacari again; inspect restaurants with Olga Freymut; explore the mystical world with Pavel Kostitsyn or enjoy women's triumphs in Who's From Above?

The filling of "This" is a popular production of StarLightMedia TV channels. The broadcast network will exclusively feature broadcasts of ICTV, STB, and New Channel television.

The programming of the channel is formed on a one-day-one-show basis. Each day of the week has its own name and mood, such as "#Big day" (Monday) or "#Good Saturday" (Saturday), etc. And every day has its "main character" - a white cat, which appears in inter-program announcements and screensavers.

The technical coverage of the channel is 63.9% of Ukraine.

This channel "will be of interest to the 18-54 audience, mostly to women.