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Private regional TV channel DITINETS from the city of Chernigov has been broadcasting since 2011 in cable networks and digital broadcasting. Hours - around the clock. You can watch DITINETS online on YouTube, where you can see high-quality video programs and broadcast live. An awareness-raising channel tells about the life of the city, its history, memorable places and prominent residents.

DITINETS introduces viewers to the news, discusses topical issues and creates thematic television programs. A Facebook account will also help you get the latest news and read about the channel’s activities.

DITINETS TV channel for Chernihiv residents

Viewers of the DITINETS channel are residents of Chernihiv and the region. His programs will tell about public life, events of the city and the activities of officials. Opinions and investigations are not always positively perceived by local authorities. DITINETS online channel is a chance for residents and natives of the city to delve deeper into the local situation and keep abreast of city news. Representatives of other regions will be able to learn more about the history and present of Chernihiv, learn about its memorable places and townspeople.

DITINETS Channel Programs

The programs created by the channel affect all aspects of urban life. DITINETS talks about the activities of the population and the decisions of local authorities, removes children's, historical and educational programs. In addition to local news and analytics, the channel shows such programs:

  • Pose to Gros - an analytical program about Ukrainian football and the game of the Chernihiv Desna team, discussion of football events with invited guests and reports;
  • Treants’s modest Chernigov - stories about the monuments of wooden architecture of the city, excursions to houses, conversations with owners and connoisseurs;
  • Znameidenі - information about the townspeople repressed in Soviet times, investigations and information search in the declassified city archives of the KGB;
  • Politics - a digest of political and public life, information on the activities of local and central authorities, interviews with municipal and state figures;
  • English on the run - English video tutorials;
  • Vidkritiy access - an informational and training program on the interaction of citizens with authorities, execution of certain procedures, obtaining certificates, the intricacies of officials, useful first-hand tips;
  • Pro business - broadcast about local business, clarification of the nuances of legislation, useful business information;
  • Like News - Dityachі Novini is a children's informational, entertainment and educational program, in the role of presenters are the children themselves.

Channel DITINETS on service gives regional TV channels the opportunity to expand their audience on the Internet. The DITINETS online channel and a number of the best television programs from different regions of Ukraine are available for subscribers. Watch the live broadcast of city TV and stay up to date, being far from home. Residents of other cities will be able to more fully familiarize themselves with the way of life and the population of the regions, enriching the baggage of knowledge about Ukraine.