Polishglots: Polish Online Courses (2018) - 1 season

1. Polish alphabet and pronunciation!

2. Polish. Fundamentals. Greetings and vierge forms in Polish!

3. Polish language. My Semia, my house. Polish. My family. My house. Noun

4. Purchases in Poland. Necessary words

5. Numerators in Polish

6. Polish! Ablative case

7. Professions in Polish! Polish lessons

8. Adjectives in Polish

9. Future time

10. Polish. Action

11. Where does Herbata come from?

12. Polish. Type of the verb

13. Polish. Ordinal

14. Top 10 most popular Polish slang

15. We welcome and say goodbye to Polish. The most important Polish words!

16. Top 10 Polish films that are worth watching!

17. How is it easy to learn a foreign language?

18. Noun in Polish

19. Top 10 Polish series! Look and won't pity

20. Action, Part 2. Polish

21. Polish is the language of love? Atypical Polish gentle words

22. Why do the Poles say so?! Do you know these strange phrases?

23. We teach Polish spelling! part 1

24. When do we write u? Polish spelling. Part 2

25. Cancelings of the noun in Polish. Singular

26. When do we write ż? The Polish spelling of Leckgo is simple. Part 1

27. Polish with a shrub! Schrek's philosophy.

28. Polish with a shrub. Osla flirting lessons.

29. When to write rz? Polish spelling. Part 2

30. Polish with a shrub! Dinner in mother -in -law and father -in -law.

31. Polish with Harry Potter. We teach new words in a magical way.

32. Polish lessons with Harry Potter! Magical sweets

33. Halloween, Dziaady or Wszystkich świętych? What do the Poles believe in?

34. cing in Polish! Stop making mistakes in writing!

35. 26 uncultured Polish words! Polish language lessons with an animal.

36. Top 20 Polish words on Christmas!

37. Polish in a hairdresser. Your first campaign to a Polish hairdresser.

38. 100 most popular Polish verbs

39. All parts of the body in Polish! Human anatomy

40. Last time in Polish.

41. character traits in Polish!

42. I and my family. Family ties

43. 50 often used verbs

44. About the hobby in Polish.

45. My house is Podkast. We teach new words