Films with the actor Alexey Fedotov

Alexey Fedotov

He studied at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute. In 1996 he graduated from VGIK (workshop of I. B. Sisikin). He was a co-producer of the film company "Verb Film". Twice the nominee for the title "Man of the Year" award "People of our city" in the nominations "Artist of the Year" and "Showman of the Year" (St. Petersburg). Work on television: Participated in the creation of the parody program "Big Difference" on Channel One. "Award for courage," 7 TV - leading. "In Ambush", DTV-VIASAT - artist, co-author. “The Trap”, Channel 5, St. Petersburg - moderator, co-author. “Star Raffle”, Channel 5, St. Petersburg - leading. "Private Detective", the 5th channel, St. Petersburg - leading. "Basket", the 5th channel, St. Petersburg - leading. "Ambush", NTV-artist. Telesque "The Stone Heart", Channel 5, St. Petersburg-Peter The Stone Heart. He participated in TV shows "Smehopanorama", "Funny People" (1st channel), television festivals "Umora" (1st channel), Humor Cup (RTR). Led concerts with Lion Izmailov in the Estrada Theater. He acted as a parodist.