Films with the actor Tatyana Peltzer

Tatyana Peltzer

Born on May 24 (June 6), 1904 (according to other sources, July 6) in Moscow. She studied acting at her father I.R. Peltzer, who staged her first performances. She first appeared on the stage at the age of nine in the play “Camouflage” by G. Senkevich in the role of Avla, in the troupe of N. N. Sinelnikov in Ekaterinoslav. And for the next acting job - in the "Noble Nest" - she first received a fee. At eleven years, she played the role of Seryozha in the play “Anna Karenina”, but her way onto the stage was not easy: she became an actress without acting education. Since 1916 - “actress for hire” in the enterprise N. N. Sinelnikova. Professional acting activity began in 1920 in the Mobile Theater of the Political Administration. Later, in 1920–1921, she was an actress of the Dramatic Theater in Nakhichevan, in 1921–1922 she was a theater of the Naval Department and the 1st artistic group of Russian drama actors in Yeisk, and in 1922–1923 she was the 3rd RSFSR Theater. Comedy "(formerly Theater Korsch) in Moscow. In the years 1923-1930 - actress of the Theater named after MGSPS (now Theater named after the Moscow City Council). In 1927 she married a young German communist and philosopher Hans Teibler and in 1930 went with her husband to Berlin, where she worked as a typist in the USSR trade mission. Renowned director E. Piskator, having learned that Hans' young wife is a theater actress, invited her to her production “Inga” (after A. G. Glebov). A prosperous, prosperous life outside Russia turned out to be not for her. Despite the lack of domestic difficulties, the language barrier, she divorced her husband and returned to Moscow, where she returned the surname Peltzer; but he and Hans maintained good relations for the rest of their lives. In 1931, she again became an actress of the MOSSP Theater, in 1934 she was fired “for incompetence”. Since 1935 - a typist at the ZIS plant, where her brother Alexander worked as a chief engineer. Since 1936 - actress of the Yaroslavl Drama Theater. FG Volkov, from 1937 - the Moscow regional collective-farm and state-farm theater in Moscow. In 1938, she returned to the Mossovet Theater.