Films with the actor Elena Ponsova

Elena Ponsova

Elena Dmitrievna Ponsova was born on May 1 (May 14), 1907, at the Malakhovka station of the Moscow province. She made her debut on the stage in 1925. She graduated from the Theater School. B. Schukina (1928), from 1934 she taught there. Lifelong actress MADT behalf of E. B. Vakhtangov. In 1936 she made her debut in the cinema, in addition to a number of characteristic roles, she worked a lot on dubbing cartoons. Married to the artist Viktor Stanitsyn, she had a daughter, Olga Goze-Stanitsyna, who later became the leading actress of the Electrotheater Stanislavsky. The actress died June 30, 1966. She was buried in Moscow at Vvedensky cemetery.