Films with the actor Evgeny Gurov

Evgeny Gurov

He was born on January 21, 1897 in the village of Ramenskoye, Moscow province, where his mother returned to her father, a railway employee, having left her husband, a peasant Alexei Gurov. After the death of his grandfather, Gurov mainly lived at the expense of his mother’s brother, who worked as the chief accountant of a glass factory. After graduating from the village school, Yevgeny Gurov was admitted to the Malakhovskaya gymnasium. The first two years of study Eugene paid a professor at the gymnasium, a very rich man, and then Gurov was accepted for a scholarship. In 1914, Evdokia Ivanovna, Eugene's mother, went to work as a maintenance staff in one of the Moscow military hospitals, and Eugene had to settle down with her aunt, the weaver of the Ramenskaya factory, where he lived until the end of the gymnasium in 1918. Then Evgeny went to Moscow, where he entered the architectural department of a higher technical school. A year later, in 1919, he moved to the school of painting, sculpture and architecture, and then to VHUTEMAS. Along with painting, Gurov worked in the Young Masters drama studio under the direction of Illarion Nikolaevich Pevtsov. In 1922, Yevgeny Gurov was admitted to the Moscow Art Theater 2 nd, where he worked first as an artist, and then as a director. In 1926, together with Lydia Dykun, Gurov staged the play “Girl Trouble”, which was shown in a closed view, but was not released, because the theater then took a course on world tragedy, and the scale of the play did not coincide with the course of the theater. In 1935, Yevgeny Gurov staged the play “The Comic of the XVII Century” after Ostrovsky, but the closure of the theater in 1936 interrupted the life of the production.