Films with the actor Convergence gloom

Convergence gloom

Sakko (Svyatoslav) Vasilevich Runge (October 18, 1927 - November 1, 2003) - Soviet writer and screenwriter. He graduated from the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky (1951). He worked as a literary editor in the newspaper "Soviet Art" (1952-1953), collaborated with the Literary Gazette (1953-1954). He was the editor-in-chief of the satire and humor of the USSR State Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting (1958-1959). He worked under the contracts as a literary editor of the All-Russian Touring and Concert Association. Screenwriter of a series of documentaries and animated films. In animation, he worked primarily with Boris Dyozhkin. Often worked in collaboration with Alexander Vladimirovich Kumma. In 1975 the book by S. V. Runge and A. V. Kumma “The Second Secret of the Golden Key” was published - a new work about the adventures of the heroes of the book by A. N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”.