Films with the actor Robert Vickers

Robert Vickers

Robert Borisovich Vikkers (July 31, 1931, Kiev - December 31, 2000, ibid.) - Ukrainian writer, playwright, author of scripts for fiction, documentary, popular science and animated films. The creator of the comic monthly "Pancake". Lead and editor of entertainment radio programs "Pipe" and "Savory!". He is the author of about a hundred television program scenarios (such as the first Blue Light, KVN, and others). Co-author (with A. Kanevsky) of each of the programs of Tarapunka and Shtepselya, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (1975) and Ukraine. In 1948, after the end of the war, Robert B. Vickers graduated from high school number 91 (in Kiev). After graduation, he got a job as a mechanic at a medical equipment factory. Subsequently, he moved to the studio to them. Dovzhenko, where he created layouts for combined surveys. While working at the studio to them. Dovzhenko attended a drama studio in the House of Folk Art, and also created pop works and wrote for newspapers. From 1955 to 1956 he worked in the Zhytomyr Philharmonic as an actor. In 1990 he founded the monthly "Pancake" and from 1990 to 1997 worked as its chief editor. From 1998 he headed the department of humor in the newspaper “All-Ukrainian Gazette”.