Films with the actor Alexey Bardukov

Alexey Bardukov

Born November 18, 1984 in Moscow. In 2001, after graduating from secondary school No. 1910, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio (course of the National Artist of the Russian Federation, KA Raikin). In the same year, he first appeared on the stage of the Russian State Theater "Satyricon" named after Arkady Raikin, in which he currently works. Prior to grade 11, Alexey did not even think about his future profession. He did everything that was interesting, but sport always came first. Fencing, martial arts, swimming ... But football was the biggest hobby. - I went to grade 11, because I did not know where to go. Parents said: “Well, at least be someone!” Once I heard one girl say to another that she went to drama courses. It was here that the thought came: "Why should I not try." Although before that he had never even been to the theater. I begged my parents (mom was a factory worker and my dad was a fitter) to find money for education. “Immediately I understood: this is my business! I rushed to class like crazy. As a result, I entered both the RATI, the Pike and the Studio School at the same time and decided to stop at it, because the course was then recruited by Konstantin Raikin. After the start of his studies, he began to play in the Satyricon, ”says Bardukov. Now, after filming at Diversant, Alexey himself helps his parents - he gave everything he earned to his mom and dad to repair their modest apartment in Marino. He understands how difficult it is for them to raise three children (Alexei still has younger sisters and a brother). All my life the large family of Bardukovs lived in Moscow, with three children the parents huddled in a small room of a communal apartment. Only when Lyosha went to the sixth grade were parents able to buy a large apartment in the Moscow region. Then the boy started another life - a new school, friends, hobbies.