Films with the actor Ivan Patorzhinsky

Ivan Patorzhinsky

Ivan Paterorgsky - (born February 20 (March 3), 1896, Petro Svistunov - died February 22, 1960, Kyiv) - Ukrainian opera singer (bass), educator, People's Artist of the USSR (1944). Born on February 20 (March 3) in 1896 in the village of Petro-Svistunov (now Vilnyansky district of Zaporozhye region). He graduated from the Bakhmut spiritual school and Ekaterinoslav spiritual seminary. He received vocal education at the Katerynoslav (now Dnipro) Conservatory (1918-1922). Married with Snaga Martha Khomivna. In 1925-35 he was a soloist of the opera theater in Kharkov, from 1935 - the Ukrainian Opera and Ballet Theater in Kyiv. Sergey Patohinsky, one of the prominent representatives of Ukrainian vocal art, had a strong voice of velvet timbre. Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1942). In 1946-1960 he was a professor at the Kyiv Conservatory. Among the students are D. Hnatyuk, A. Kikot and others. He toured in Poland, Finland, Canada, USA. He conducted public work (in 1945-54 - Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Theater Society). MS Khrushchev writes in memoirs that Patorozhinsky, whom Stalin himself respected as a man and a singer, together with M. Litvinenko-Volgemut, stood up for the arrested composer Kostyantyn Dankevich and secured the release of the latter.