Films with the actor Evgeniy Merkuryev

Evgeniy Merkuryev

In 1939, after the death of the repressed father Peter Merkuriev, Yevgeny and three more brothers and sisters, he was adopted by his uncle, the brother of his father, the famous actor Vasily Merkuryev. In 1961 he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (LGITMiK), the class of Professor B.V. Zone. After graduation, he was sent to the theater of Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka, then worked in Leningrad theaters - at the Theater of Young Spectators, at the Drama and Comedy Theater at Liteiny (1971-1974), at the Maly Drama Theater, at the Youth Theater on Fontanka. Since February 1987 - actor of the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Drama and Comedy Theater on Liteiny. He was busy in the performances of "Hamlet", "Great Catherine", "Young Lady-Peasant", "Ghoul", "Forest", "Faith, Hope, Love (Carom)". Recent years actively starred in the movie. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2004). March 22, 2007 the actor last appeared on the stage of the Theater on Liteiny in the premiere performance of the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Bankrupt", where he played the main role of the merchant Bolshov. Tragically died on March 27, 2007. On the Lake Ladoga in the area of ​​Priozersk, while fishing, the actor fell through under the ice. It was not possible to save him. Yevgeny Merkuryev was buried on April 2 at the Smolensk cemetery of St. Petersburg.