Filme cu actorul Dmitry Podnozov

Dmitry Podnozov

Graduate LGITMiK 1984 (class of prof. R. Agamirzyan). One of the founders of the Mansion Theater in 1989. An indispensable participant in the first directing experiments of the "active trepanning of the classics" Igor Larin - Trofimov and Gaev in "A Dream of a Cherry Orchard", Porfiry Petrovich in The Darkening, Pyotr Vosmibratov in Les, row characters from "Evening of mimic ballet" (performances that have visited both Europe and America). In 1994, the beginning of the stage history of the plays of Mikhail Ugarov was laid in the “Mansion” - in the play “The Russian Invalid newspaper for the 18th of July” (directed by Alexander Lebedev) D. Podnozov played Ivan Pavlovich, the main character. The next meeting with Ugarov was staged by Vladimir Michelson "The Fighter" - a performance and the leading roles of D. Podnozov and N. Eskhi became laureates of the festival "Christmas Parade 1997". In his “very short course” devoted to the 10th anniversary of the theater, Leonid Popov wrote: “A small troupe can be proud of an ensemble, where Dmitry Podnozov is the first violin, and“ jeune-premier ”of the“ Mansion ”, according to which the rest are tuned.”