Filmek a színésszel Nicholas Chindiyinkin

Nicholas Chindiyinkin

Actor, director, teacher. Merited Artist of the RSFSR (12/23/1985). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (04/04/2013). After graduating from the Theater School in Rostov-on-Don in 1968, the actor and director is in theaters in Rostov-on-Don and Omsk. After graduating from the directing department of GITIS (course of M.M. Butkevich and A.A. Vasilyev) in 1987 - actor, director, teacher at the Moscow Theater "School of Dramatic Art". He supervised the work of the Russian group in the joint project “Schools of Dramatic Art” and the Worker of Grotovsky “Slavic Pilgrims” (1991). He passed a cycle of trainings led by E. Grotowski (1991, Pontedera, Italy). Since 1993, she has been teaching at RATA, conducting an actor-directing course at the Vasiliev workshop. Since 2008 - actor of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.