Filmek a színésszel Bogdan Yusipchuk

Bogdan Yusipchuk

Actor. Place of birth: Kiev, Ukraine. The parents of the future actor artists, reflected on him himself. In the childhood, he did not particularly think about the career of an actor as a future profession. At school I went to a music school and athletics for a free and Greco-Roman wrestling, which eventually became a candidate for master of sports. Having graduated from a school without a full-time higher education diploma, he enters the Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts, which successfully finishes with a red diploma in his hands. At the same time, he decides to try himself in acting and goes to the Kyiv National University of Theater, Film and Television named after I.K.Parpenko-Karyi to the Faculty of Performing Arts, which ends in 2013. During the training, the actor appears in television series and films, including "Practical magic", "Return of Mukhtar". Already in 2011, she performs one of the key roles in the horror film Synevir 3D, which became his first big one. After that he is invited to one more similar tape called "Shadows of unforgettable ancestors", which goes to the wide hire on the territory of Ukraine in November 2013. In his free time, he loves to ski, feigns well, does not throw his pursuits in sports.