Gosha Kutsenko
His father, Georgy Pavlovich, worked as a leader in the radio industry; mother, Svetlana Vasilyevna, was a doctor. After school, he entered the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, but did not finish his studies. He served two years in the army. In 1988, the family moved to Moscow (Georgy Pavlovich was appointed deputy minister of the radio industry of the USSR). He studied at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, but after two courses he decided to enter the theater school. In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio (the workshop of IMTarkhanov). In 1995-1997 he worked on television, was the host of the “Party Zone” program on TV-6 channel, and also the host of MUZ-TV. In 1996-2000, he taught at VGIK on the course of E. Kindinov. Since 2008 - actor of the Theater of the Mossovet.