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Welcome to's collection of Films Iceland! Immerse yourself in the picturesque landscapes and captivating stories from the land of fire and ice with our handpicked selection of Icelandic movies. From indie gems to blockbuster hits, we've got something for every film lover. But that's not all - we also offer a wide range of Icelandic Cartoons and TV series for you to enjoy. Whether you're a fan of animated adventures or gripping dramas, our collection has something for everyone. And with regular updates and new additions, you'll never run out of entertainment options. Looking for the latest Film premieres from Iceland? Look no further than We curate the best of Icelandic cinema, bringing you the newest releases and critically acclaimed films right at your fingertips. Don't miss out on the next big hit - stream it on today! In addition to Films Iceland, also offers a variety of channels for you to explore. From niche genres to mainstream favorites, our channels cater to all tastes and preferences. With live broadcasts and on-demand content, you can watch your favorite shows and movies whenever and wherever you want. And with's Internet TV and Online TV services, you can access our vast library of Icelandic entertainment from any device. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can stream your favorite shows and movies with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to traditional TV and hello to the convenience of online streaming. So why wait? Start watching Films Iceland, Cartoons, TV series, and Film premieres on today. With our extensive collection of Icelandic entertainment, you'll never run out of things to watch. Sign up now and experience the best of Icelandic cinema and TV right from the comfort of your own home. Watch online, anytime, anywhere with