Movie Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch (2015) – 4 season 13. the perfect day
1. The High Stakes
2. The Scariest Ride
3. The Coolest Sport in LA
4. The Fresh Eggs of Bel Air
5. The Ramsay Prankers
6. The Disappearing Dad
7. The Total Wipe-outs
8. The Hollywood Actor
9. The Game
10. The Crazy Californians
11. The Fastest Food
12. The Cornish Cake Off
13. The Big Dad Challenge
14. The Banging Race
15. The Last Day of Summer
1. The Sunday Lunch
2. The Survivalists
3. The White Water Rush
4. The Marathon Girl
5. The Big Bike Bite
6. The Snake Boy
7. The Italian Feast Part 1
8. The Italian Festival Part 2
9. The Make-over
10. The Dragon Racers
11. The Hospital Challenge
12. The Ballerinos
13. The Perfect Day
14. The Lifeboat Rescue
15. The Ramsays Return
1. The Ramsays Are Go
2. The B Ball Match
3. The Big Zen
4. The Return of the Jack
5. The Toughest Challenge Ever
6. The LA Dogs
7. The Grand Prix
8. The Wedding Anniversary
9. The Lip Synch Challenge
10. The Fishing Trip
11. The Ramsay Games
12. The BBQ Beef
13. The Ramsay Vloggers
14. The Old Man's Birthday
15. The Ramsays Connected