The story of fictional bizarre sloun creatures that live happily on the shores of the Crystal Sea, in the city of Horishniy Makedonsk. The Sloans dreamed of finding such a city all their lives, and when they finally found it, they gave it a name. Sloans are well-known gulvis, known for their paintings, music, fashion and books, and they have an unusual sense of humor. This is a world of creative absurdity and dreams, in which cocoa grows on trees in cups at once, light bulbs stick out of the sky, records are released, and in the evening letters are written to newcomers. Elephants love white stockings and invent symphonies and can't imagine their lives without hats. Sloans are not elephants. The name of these creatures comes from the word "slow" -slow. They are so named because they are in no hurry. A magical world of ordinary unusualness for children and adults. Manufacturer - LLC "Film Company 2016" with the support of the STATE AGENCY ON CINEMA OF UKRAINE