Films with the actor Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor, film producer, and environmental activist. His full name is Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. Leonardo DiCaprio was born into a hippie family and grew up in one of the most dangerous suburbs in Los Angeles. When Leo was only 2.5 years old, his father took him to a popular children's TV show - this was the first appearance of the future actor in front of the camera. DiCaprio's parents - George (comic book writer) and Irmelin (who worked as a social worker) divorced when he was not yet one year old, but in the future they tried to raise him together as much as possible so as not to deprive him of either paternal or maternal care. Leo's mother chose such an unusual name for him when her unborn son thrust into her while she was looking at a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. In 1997, he was included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world according to People magazine. Studied at John Marshall High School in Los Angeles (California). When the actor was 10 years old, his agent suggested that he change his name to a friendlier and more American - Lenny Williams. DiCaprio's father comes from a family with Italian-German roots. DiCaprio's mother, Irmelin DiCaprio, nee Indenbirken, was born in the West German Ohr-Erkenschvik.

Films with the actor
Watch Killers of the Flower Moon online
Watch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood online
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Watch The Revenant online
Watch The Great Gatsby online
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Watch Django Unchained online
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Watch Red Riding Hood online
Watch Inception online
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Watch Revolutionary Road online
Watch Body of Lies online
Watch Blood Diamond online
Watch Catch Me If You Can online
Watch The Beach online
Watch Titanic online
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