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1+1 Інфомарафон HD "Єдині новини". Телемарафон.
Da Vinci: Fun Learning HD

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Today Tuesday
02:17 REC

DIY SCI - More Science Magic

02:40 REC

Smart Science - Make A Glass Disappear

02:42 REC

Smart Science - Make A Cork Rocket

02:44 REC

Smart Science - Glow In The Dark Water

02:45 REC

Smart Science - Magic Moving Can

02:45 REC

Smart Science - Test Your Lung Volume

02:46 REC

Smart Science - Spinning Boiled Egg

02:47 REC

Futuris - Monitoring Sea Pollution

02:51 REC

Futuris - 3D in Your Pocket

02:56 REC

Futuris - Surgical Strike Against Bacteria

03:01 REC

Futuris - Obesity Timebomb: Tech Trial

03:05 REC

Futuris - The Secret of Youth

03:10 REC

Futuris - Fresh Splash for Aquaculture

03:15 REC


03:38 REC

DIY SCI - Electricity

04:02 REC

Smart Science - Rubbery Potatoes

04:04 REC

Smart Science - Book Friction

04:05 REC

Smart Science - Let's Make Sugar Dance

04:05 REC

Smart Science - Floating Egg Experiment

04:06 REC

Smart Science - Chocolate Race Experiment

04:08 REC

Smart Science - Fix a Dented Ping Pong Ball Experiment

04:09 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Bowling Ball Math Lesson

04:30 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Sit With Us App

04:52 REC

Smart Science - Make Your own Race Boat

04:55 REC

Smart Science - Make Pepper Jump Up

04:55 REC

Smart Science - Dazzling Coins Experiment

04:56 REC

Smart Science - Water's Mysterious Holes

04:57 REC

Smart Science - Transform Milk into Stone

04:58 REC

Smart Science - Put an Egg in a Bottle

04:59 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Half Land Half Water

05:27 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Desert Coast

05:55 REC

Animal Embassy - Dolphin

06:17 REC

Animal Embassy - A Day in the Life of Ester

06:40 REC

Smart Science - Make a Coin Vibrate

06:41 REC

Smart Science - The Solid Liquid Experiment

06:43 REC

Smart Science - Pushing Balloons to their Limits

06:44 REC

Smart Science - Soda Can Jump Experiment

06:44 REC

Smart Science - Soda Can Jump Experiment

06:45 REC

Smart Science - Make a Crazy Whistle

06:46 REC

DIY SCI - Color Science

07:09 REC

DIY SCI - Hardware

07:34 REC

Smart Science - The Melting Ice Race

07:35 REC

Smart Science - Sticky Rice Experiment

07:35 REC

Smart Science - Oil Versus Water Experiment

07:36 REC

Smart Science - Straw Through A Potato Experiment

07:37 REC

Smart Science - The Rain Cloud Experiment

07:38 REC

Smart Science - Lemon Volcano Experiment

07:39 REC

DIY SCI - Supermarket Science

08:03 REC

DIY SCI - Spooky Science

08:26 REC

Futuris - Saving the Intangible Cultural Heritage

08:31 REC

Futuris - Polar Research Warms Up

08:36 REC

Futuris - Sea Mining: Deep Uncertainty

08:40 REC

Futuris - Groundbreaking Sensors

08:44 REC

Futuris - A Sea of Surveillance Applications

08:49 REC

Futuris - A Perfect Storm

08:54 REC

Smart Science - The Mini Submarine Experiment

08:55 REC

Smart Science - Yeast Power Experiment

08:55 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Football Fever

09:17 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Monster Video Walls

09:38 REC

Citizen Code - The Evolution of Video Games

09:41 REC

Citizen Code - Big Fat Data

09:44 REC

DIY SCI - Favourite Experiments

10:07 REC

DIY SCI - Backyard Science

10:31 REC

Citizen Code - Smart Robots

10:34 REC

Citizen Code - Design Imagination

10:36 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Helping Hands

11:00 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Marvels of Mother Nature

11:22 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The G.O.A.T (Roger Federer) and The Racer (Danica Patrick)

11:46 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Star (Julia Roberts) and The Fighter (Wladimir Klitschko)

12:10 REC

Citizen Code - Pretty Pixels

12:13 REC

Citizen Code - Cryptology Codes

12:15 REC

DIY SCI - The DIY SCI Contest

12:39 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Honey Invention

13:01 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Fire Gel

13:22 REC

Citizen Code - The Amazing Worlds of Virtual Reality

13:25 REC

Citizen Code - Connected Objects and Talking Fridges

13:28 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Sports & The Environment

13:50 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Sustainable Leaders - A Green World

14:14 REC

Futuris - Animal-free Testing

14:18 REC

Futuris - New Hope for Premature Babies

14:22 REC

Futuris - Search and Rescue Robot

14:27 REC

Futuris - Me and My Avatar

14:32 REC

Futuris - Via Lactea

14:36 REC

Futuris - Deep in the Soil

14:40 REC

Citizen Code - Hacking the Weakness

14:43 REC

Citizen Code - The Fabulous Fabrication Laboratory

14:46 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Mountain of Water

15:13 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Noah's Ark

15:41 REC

DIY SCI - Best Experiments

16:05 REC

DIY SCI - Science Museum Oklahoma II

16:27 REC

Citizen Code - Tracking With Cookies

16:30 REC

Citizen Code - Geolocation and the Incredible Satellite System

16:32 REC

DIY SCI - Tulsa

16:56 Live

DIY SCI - Slime


Xploration Awesome Planet - Students Taking the Lead


Xploration Awesome Planet - Threatened Place


Citizen Code - Modern Music Masterpieces


Citizen Code - The Internet Under the Sea


DIY SCI - Favourite Experiments


DIY SCI - Backyard Science


Citizen Code - Smart Robots


Citizen Code - Design Imagination


Xploration Awesome Planet - Helping Hands


Xploration Awesome Planet - Marvels of Mother Nature


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The G.O.A.T (Roger Federer) and The Racer (Danica Patrick)


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Star (Julia Roberts) and The Fighter (Wladimir Klitschko)


Citizen Code - Pretty Pixels


Citizen Code - Cryptology Codes


DIY SCI - The DIY SCI Contest


Did I Mention Invention - Honey Invention


Did I Mention Invention - Fire Gel


Citizen Code - The Amazing Worlds of Virtual Reality


Citizen Code - Connected Objects and Talking Fridges


Xploration Awesome Planet - Sports & The Environment


Xploration Awesome Planet - Sustainable Leaders - A Green World


Futuris - Animal-free Testing


Futuris - New Hope for Premature Babies


Futuris - Search and Rescue Robot


Futuris - Me and My Avatar


Futuris - Via Lactea


Futuris - Deep in the Soil


Citizen Code - Hacking the Weakness


Citizen Code - The Fabulous Fabrication Laboratory


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Mountain of Water


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Noah's Ark


DIY SCI - Best Experiments


DIY SCI - Science Museum Oklahoma II


Citizen Code - Tracking With Cookies


Citizen Code - Geolocation and the Incredible Satellite System


DIY SCI - Tulsa


DIY SCI - Slime


Xploration Awesome Planet - Students Taking the Lead


Xploration Awesome Planet - Threatened Place


Citizen Code - Modern Music Masterpieces


Citizen Code - The Internet Under the Sea


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Keeper (Maddie Hinch) and The Explorer (Ranulph Fiennes)


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Survivor (Bear Grylls) and The Boss (Ursula Burns)


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Arrival


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Movies


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Monster Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Beach BBQ


Did I Mention Invention - Robot Snake


Did I Mention Invention - Digital Camera Inventor


Did I Mention Invention - Doomsday Seed Vault


Citizen Code - Super Speedy Algorithms


Citizen Code - Social Networks and Front Page News


Futuris - A Window on Energy


Futuris - Ready-to-Wear Electronics


Futuris - Laughing Gas, Another Climate Enemy


Futuris - Smart Fashion


Futuris - Robots and the Elderly


Xploration Awesome Planet - Hidden Nature


Xploration Awesome Planet - Research in Remote Locations


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Big Food Fight


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Bollywood Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The US Sportsday


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Sleepover


Citizen Code - News in the Loop


Citizen Code - A Healthy Digital Detox


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Into the Thirstland


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - When the Moon Talks


DIY SCI - Garage Geeks I


DIY SCI - Flying Things


Citizen Code - True or False?


Citizen Code - Brainy Artifical Intelligence


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Pool Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Karaoke Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Make-Over


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Fitness Training


DIY SCI - Museum Science


DIY SCI - Garage Geeks II


Xploration Awesome Planet - Science Communicators


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Programme


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Memory


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Artificial Intelligence


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Programming Language


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Characters


Did I Mention Invention - Doomsday Seed Vault


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Keeper (Maddie Hinch) and The Explorer (Ranulph Fiennes)


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Survivor (Bear Grylls) and The Boss (Ursula Burns)


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Arrival


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Movies


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Monster Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Beach BBQ


Did I Mention Invention - Robot Snake


Did I Mention Invention - Digital Camera Inventor


Citizen Code - Super Speedy Algorithms


Citizen Code - Social Networks and Front Page News


Futuris - A Window on Energy


Futuris - Ready-to-Wear Electronics


Futuris - Laughing Gas, Another Climate Enemy


Futuris - Smart Fashion


Futuris - Robots and the Elderly


Xploration Awesome Planet - Hidden Nature


Xploration Awesome Planet - Research in Remote Locations


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Big Food Fight


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Bollywood Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The US Sportsday


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Sleepover


Citizen Code - News in the Loop


Citizen Code - A Healthy Digital Detox


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Into the Thirstland


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - When the Moon Talks


DIY SCI - Garage Geeks I


DIY SCI - Flying Things


Citizen Code - True or False?


Citizen Code - Brainy Artifical Intelligence


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Pool Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Karaoke Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Make-Over


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Fitness Training


DIY SCI - Museum Science


DIY SCI - Garage Geeks II


Xploration Awesome Planet - Science Communicators


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Programme


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Memory


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Artificial Intelligence


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Programming Language


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Characters


Did I Mention Invention - Correcting Color Blindness


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Mexican Party


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Daredevils


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Big Goodbye


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Inventor (Robert Langer) and The Rebel (Frances Arnold)


Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Friend (Courteney Cox) and the Showman (Channing Tatum)


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - String Text


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Functions


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Conditional Statement


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Break Loop


Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Infinite Loop


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Searching for White Eye


Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Horn of Africa


Xploration Awesome Planet - The Ocean's Apex


Xploration Awesome Planet - Wind


Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Competition

Today Tuesday
Tomorrow Wednesday
02:17 REC

DIY SCI - More Science Magic

02:40 REC

Smart Science - Make A Glass Disappear

02:42 REC

Smart Science - Make A Cork Rocket

02:44 REC

Smart Science - Glow In The Dark Water

02:45 REC

Smart Science - Magic Moving Can

02:45 REC

Smart Science - Test Your Lung Volume

02:46 REC

Smart Science - Spinning Boiled Egg

02:47 REC

Futuris - Monitoring Sea Pollution

02:51 REC

Futuris - 3D in Your Pocket

02:56 REC

Futuris - Surgical Strike Against Bacteria

03:01 REC

Futuris - Obesity Timebomb: Tech Trial

03:05 REC

Futuris - The Secret of Youth

03:10 REC

Futuris - Fresh Splash for Aquaculture

03:15 REC


03:38 REC

DIY SCI - Electricity

04:02 REC

Smart Science - Rubbery Potatoes

04:04 REC

Smart Science - Book Friction

04:05 REC

Smart Science - Let's Make Sugar Dance

04:05 REC

Smart Science - Floating Egg Experiment

04:06 REC

Smart Science - Chocolate Race Experiment

04:08 REC

Smart Science - Fix a Dented Ping Pong Ball Experiment

04:09 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Bowling Ball Math Lesson

04:30 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Sit With Us App

04:52 REC

Smart Science - Make Your own Race Boat

04:55 REC

Smart Science - Make Pepper Jump Up

04:55 REC

Smart Science - Dazzling Coins Experiment

04:56 REC

Smart Science - Water's Mysterious Holes

04:57 REC

Smart Science - Transform Milk into Stone

04:58 REC

Smart Science - Put an Egg in a Bottle

04:59 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Half Land Half Water

05:27 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Desert Coast

05:55 REC

Animal Embassy - Dolphin

06:17 REC

Animal Embassy - A Day in the Life of Ester

06:40 REC

Smart Science - Make a Coin Vibrate

06:41 REC

Smart Science - The Solid Liquid Experiment

06:43 REC

Smart Science - Pushing Balloons to their Limits

06:44 REC

Smart Science - Soda Can Jump Experiment

06:44 REC

Smart Science - Soda Can Jump Experiment

06:45 REC

Smart Science - Make a Crazy Whistle

06:46 REC

DIY SCI - Color Science

07:09 REC

DIY SCI - Hardware

07:34 REC

Smart Science - The Melting Ice Race

07:35 REC

Smart Science - Sticky Rice Experiment

07:35 REC

Smart Science - Oil Versus Water Experiment

07:36 REC

Smart Science - Straw Through A Potato Experiment

07:37 REC

Smart Science - The Rain Cloud Experiment

07:38 REC

Smart Science - Lemon Volcano Experiment

07:39 REC

DIY SCI - Supermarket Science

08:03 REC

DIY SCI - Spooky Science

08:26 REC

Futuris - Saving the Intangible Cultural Heritage

08:31 REC

Futuris - Polar Research Warms Up

08:36 REC

Futuris - Sea Mining: Deep Uncertainty

08:40 REC

Futuris - Groundbreaking Sensors

08:44 REC

Futuris - A Sea of Surveillance Applications

08:49 REC

Futuris - A Perfect Storm

08:54 REC

Smart Science - The Mini Submarine Experiment

08:55 REC

Smart Science - Yeast Power Experiment

08:55 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Football Fever

09:17 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Monster Video Walls

09:38 REC

Citizen Code - The Evolution of Video Games

09:41 REC

Citizen Code - Big Fat Data

09:44 REC

DIY SCI - Favourite Experiments

10:07 REC

DIY SCI - Backyard Science

10:31 REC

Citizen Code - Smart Robots

10:34 REC

Citizen Code - Design Imagination

10:36 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Helping Hands

11:00 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Marvels of Mother Nature

11:22 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The G.O.A.T (Roger Federer) and The Racer (Danica Patrick)

11:46 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Star (Julia Roberts) and The Fighter (Wladimir Klitschko)

12:10 REC

Citizen Code - Pretty Pixels

12:13 REC

Citizen Code - Cryptology Codes

12:15 REC

DIY SCI - The DIY SCI Contest

12:39 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Honey Invention

13:01 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Fire Gel

13:22 REC

Citizen Code - The Amazing Worlds of Virtual Reality

13:25 REC

Citizen Code - Connected Objects and Talking Fridges

13:28 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Sports & The Environment

13:50 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Sustainable Leaders - A Green World

14:14 REC

Futuris - Animal-free Testing

14:18 REC

Futuris - New Hope for Premature Babies

14:22 REC

Futuris - Search and Rescue Robot

14:27 REC

Futuris - Me and My Avatar

14:32 REC

Futuris - Via Lactea

14:36 REC

Futuris - Deep in the Soil

14:40 REC

Citizen Code - Hacking the Weakness

14:43 REC

Citizen Code - The Fabulous Fabrication Laboratory

14:46 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Mountain of Water

15:13 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Noah's Ark

15:41 REC

DIY SCI - Best Experiments

16:05 REC

DIY SCI - Science Museum Oklahoma II

16:27 REC

Citizen Code - Tracking With Cookies

16:30 REC

Citizen Code - Geolocation and the Incredible Satellite System

16:32 REC

DIY SCI - Tulsa

16:56 Live

DIY SCI - Slime

17:18 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Students Taking the Lead

17:42 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Threatened Place

18:04 REC

Citizen Code - Modern Music Masterpieces

18:07 REC

Citizen Code - The Internet Under the Sea

18:09 REC

DIY SCI - Favourite Experiments

18:33 REC

DIY SCI - Backyard Science

18:57 REC

Citizen Code - Smart Robots

18:59 REC

Citizen Code - Design Imagination

19:02 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Helping Hands

19:25 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Marvels of Mother Nature

19:47 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The G.O.A.T (Roger Federer) and The Racer (Danica Patrick)

20:11 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Star (Julia Roberts) and The Fighter (Wladimir Klitschko)

20:36 REC

Citizen Code - Pretty Pixels

20:38 REC

Citizen Code - Cryptology Codes

20:40 REC

DIY SCI - The DIY SCI Contest

21:05 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Honey Invention

21:26 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Fire Gel

21:47 REC

Citizen Code - The Amazing Worlds of Virtual Reality

21:51 REC

Citizen Code - Connected Objects and Talking Fridges

21:53 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Sports & The Environment

22:16 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Sustainable Leaders - A Green World

22:39 REC

Futuris - Animal-free Testing

22:43 REC

Futuris - New Hope for Premature Babies

22:48 REC

Futuris - Search and Rescue Robot

22:52 REC

Futuris - Me and My Avatar

22:57 REC

Futuris - Via Lactea

23:01 REC

Futuris - Deep in the Soil

23:06 REC

Citizen Code - Hacking the Weakness

23:08 REC

Citizen Code - The Fabulous Fabrication Laboratory

23:12 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Mountain of Water

23:39 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Noah's Ark

00:07 REC

DIY SCI - Best Experiments

00:30 REC

DIY SCI - Science Museum Oklahoma II

00:53 REC

Citizen Code - Tracking With Cookies

00:55 REC

Citizen Code - Geolocation and the Incredible Satellite System

00:57 REC

DIY SCI - Tulsa

01:21 REC

DIY SCI - Slime

01:43 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Students Taking the Lead

02:07 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Threatened Place

02:30 REC

Citizen Code - Modern Music Masterpieces

02:32 REC

Citizen Code - The Internet Under the Sea

02:35 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Keeper (Maddie Hinch) and The Explorer (Ranulph Fiennes)

02:59 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Survivor (Bear Grylls) and The Boss (Ursula Burns)

03:23 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Arrival

03:39 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Movies

03:56 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Monster Party

04:12 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Beach BBQ

04:28 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Robot Snake

04:51 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Digital Camera Inventor

05:12 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Doomsday Seed Vault

05:33 REC

Citizen Code - Super Speedy Algorithms

05:37 REC

Citizen Code - Social Networks and Front Page News

05:39 REC

Futuris - A Window on Energy

05:43 REC

Futuris - Ready-to-Wear Electronics

05:48 REC

Futuris - Laughing Gas, Another Climate Enemy

05:53 REC

Futuris - Smart Fashion

05:57 REC

Futuris - Robots and the Elderly

06:02 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Hidden Nature

06:25 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Research in Remote Locations

06:48 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Big Food Fight

07:04 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Bollywood Party

07:20 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The US Sportsday

07:37 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Sleepover

07:53 REC

Citizen Code - News in the Loop

07:57 REC

Citizen Code - A Healthy Digital Detox

07:59 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Into the Thirstland

08:26 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - When the Moon Talks

08:54 REC

DIY SCI - Garage Geeks I

09:17 REC

DIY SCI - Flying Things

09:40 REC

Citizen Code - True or False?

09:42 REC

Citizen Code - Brainy Artifical Intelligence

09:45 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Pool Party

10:01 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Karaoke Party

10:17 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Make-Over

10:34 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Fitness Training

10:50 REC

DIY SCI - Museum Science

11:13 REC

DIY SCI - Garage Geeks II

11:36 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Science Communicators

11:59 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Programme

12:02 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Memory

12:05 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Artificial Intelligence

12:09 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Programming Language

12:14 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Characters

12:17 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Doomsday Seed Vault

12:38 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Keeper (Maddie Hinch) and The Explorer (Ranulph Fiennes)

13:03 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Survivor (Bear Grylls) and The Boss (Ursula Burns)

13:26 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Arrival

13:43 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Movies

13:59 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Monster Party

14:15 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Beach BBQ

14:32 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Robot Snake

14:54 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Digital Camera Inventor

15:15 REC

Citizen Code - Super Speedy Algorithms

15:19 REC

Citizen Code - Social Networks and Front Page News

15:21 REC

Futuris - A Window on Energy

15:26 REC

Futuris - Ready-to-Wear Electronics

15:30 REC

Futuris - Laughing Gas, Another Climate Enemy

15:35 REC

Futuris - Smart Fashion

15:40 REC

Futuris - Robots and the Elderly

15:44 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Hidden Nature

16:08 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Research in Remote Locations

16:30 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Big Food Fight

16:46 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Bollywood Party

17:03 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The US Sportsday

17:19 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Sleepover

17:35 REC

Citizen Code - News in the Loop

17:39 REC

Citizen Code - A Healthy Digital Detox

17:41 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Into the Thirstland

18:08 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - When the Moon Talks

18:36 REC

DIY SCI - Garage Geeks I

19:00 REC

DIY SCI - Flying Things

19:22 REC

Citizen Code - True or False?

19:24 REC

Citizen Code - Brainy Artifical Intelligence

19:27 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Pool Party

19:43 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Karaoke Party

20:00 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The LA Make-Over

20:16 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Fitness Training

20:32 REC

DIY SCI - Museum Science

20:56 REC

DIY SCI - Garage Geeks II

21:18 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Science Communicators

21:41 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Programme

21:45 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Computer Memory

21:48 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Artificial Intelligence

21:52 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Programming Language

21:56 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Characters

21:59 REC

Did I Mention Invention - Correcting Color Blindness

22:20 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Mexican Party

22:37 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Daredevils

22:53 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Big Goodbye

23:09 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Inventor (Robert Langer) and The Rebel (Frances Arnold)

23:35 REC

Becoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls - The Friend (Courteney Cox) and the Showman (Channing Tatum)

00:00 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - String Text

00:03 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Functions

00:06 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Conditional Statement

00:08 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Break Loop

00:11 REC

Da Vinci Innovation Labs - Infinite Loop

00:14 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Searching for White Eye

00:42 REC

Siyaya - Come Wild With Us - Horn of Africa

01:10 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - The Ocean's Apex

01:33 REC

Xploration Awesome Planet - Wind

01:56 REC

Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch - The Competition