Filmy s tímto hercem Barbara harris

Barbara harris

Barbara Harris is a voice casting director for motion pictures and television. She founded the voice casting company, The Looping Group. Her credits include some of the top grossing films of all time, including Black Panther, Jurassic Park, Titanic, The Lion King, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, The Fate of the Furious, The Matrix Reloaded, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Interstellar, Guardians of the Galaxy, and others. Barbara has worked closely with such notable and respected directors such as Tony Scott, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, John Singleton, Joel and Ethan Coen, George Miller, Steven Speilberg, Clint Eastwood, Curtis Hansen, Christopher Nolan, Frank Darabont, Tim Burton, Michael Mann, Gus Van Sant, Peter Jackson, Paul Thomas Anderson, Barry Sonnenfeld, Tyler Perry, Kenneth Branagh, Shawn Levy, Robert Redford, Jon Turteltaub, Brad Siberling, Jodi Foster, M. Night Shyamalan and the late John Frankenheimer.

Filmy s tímto hercem
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