Films with the actor Sergey Priselkov

Sergey Priselkov

The father of the future artist, Alexander Fedorovich Priselkov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a sapper in the military specialty, who never made a mistake, was a builder in peacetime, the commander of capital and industrial construction, and this was largely due to the efforts of Alexander Fedorovich, the Crimean village of Stanitskaya city ​​status. It is also known that his paternal grandfather in the "royal" times was the director of the gymnasium in Bialystok, and his grandmother, Natalia Mitrofanovna, taught foreign languages ​​and music to children. Mama S.A. Priselkova, Vera Konstantinovna Didur - hereditary Kuban Cossack. There were still children in the family — the elder sister Nadezhda and brother Vladimir — that is why mother Vera Konstantinovna kept the Priselkov family. Mother was proud of the natural physical strength of the youngest. When Sergey was only sixteen years old and he brought home a whole bag of potatoes on his shoulders, his mother praised him very much. In 1952, the Priselkov family moved to Moscow, to a new place of work for his father, who after success in Krymsk, was appointed head of the All-Union Capital Construction Directorate. In Moscow, S.A. Priselkov completed eleven high school classes. While studying at school, he attended drama school at the Zhdanov Palace of Pioneers and decided to enroll in the Schukin Theater School at the Vakhtangov Theater with the help of his father. And then (1965-1969) - Vakhtangov School of Theater and Cinematography. His best teachers are A.I.Borisov, V.K. Lvov, T.I. Zaporozhets. Fellow students - Nina Ruslanova, Leonid Filatov, Vladimir Kochan, Ivan Dykhovichny, Alexander Kaydanovsky.